iTrac Hardware
Frequently Asked Questions
The iTrac II can be purchased from the Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association through J. O. Thomas and Associates, call (604) 291-6340 for information regarding pricing, purchasing, registering along with air time cost.
Upon ordering the iTrac II unit, it will take two business days to configure and test before shipping.
The wheelhouse set and haul switch is no longer available for purchase from J. O. Thomas and Associates Ltd.
However, the switch can be purchase from Delcom Products, part number 706502-F-5M, USB HID Programmable Dual Button Switch w/5M Cable and Flange. Provide the following information to Delcom when placing your order.
Delcom switch programmed mode:
- Button 1 type keyboard, action Hold/Repeat, code 62 - keyboard F5, mode LCtrl
- Button 2 type keyboard, action Hold/Repeat, code 65 - keyboard F8, mode LCtrl
For information on installing download the iTrac II Prawn Vessel Monitoring System: Setup and Operating Guide.
No installation service is provided, most fishers install the iTrac II themselves, alternatively, contact the local marine electrical service center.
The panic button on the iTrac II wheelhouse unit can be used to send Set and Haul positions.
- Transmit a Set position:
- Hold down the panic button until the GPS LED flashes.
- Transmit a Haul position:
- Hold down the panic button until the GPS LED flashes.
- Hold down the panic button a second time until the GPS LED flashes again.
Note, once the panic button is pushed the Satellite and Message LEDs will flash or stay on until the position is transmitted. Set and Haul positions sent using the panic button are irretrievable for review.
When the seasonal air time cost has been paid, J. O. Thomas and Associates will activate the unit prior to the start of the fishery, no action is required by the fisher.
For repairs contact J. O. Thomas and Associates.
The iTrac II requires a continuous DC power source that is between 9 and 32 volts (supports 12V and 24V battery systems) (red wire to positive and black wire to ground).
The battery in the iTrac II wheelhouse unit will last approximately 12 hours.
There are 2 internal fuses in the Wheel House Unit. The first fuse is rated for 6 amps to protect the Primary battery to Secondary battery charging. The second fuse is rated for 1.35 amps to protect the internal battery charger and rest of the ITrac II system. There is also an internal voltage regulator feature which controls the charge current to the internal battery.
The internal fuses are re-settable fuses so in the event of a fault, the circuit is disconnected temporarily. The iTrac II would operate from the internal battery during this period provided it has sufficient charge. If it's an extended fault, then the device would stop working eventually. Once the fault is corrected, the fuses should reset and continue to function.
The Wheel House Unit does not require an external fuse; However, an additional external fuse may be advisable if there is a chance of a cable short between the Primary battery and Wheel House Unit which will depend on the nature of the install. In the case that an external fuse is deemed necessary, the value of fuse used will depend on whether or not a secondary battery in connected to the Wheel House Unit.
The two fusing options are as follows:
- If a secondary battery is connected to the Wheel House Unit, the external fuse should be sized to accommodate the charging current to this secondary battery. This will depend on the battery used but upwards of 6 - 10 amps would be recommended.
- If no secondary battery is used on the Wheel House Unit, an external fuse of 3 amps would suffice in addition to the internal fuses of the Wheel House Unit.
The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number is a unique serial number assigned to each iTrac II, labeled on top of the remote terminal unit. The IMEI is required (as the CSP No. and Hardware Serial No.) when registering the vessel to Fisheries and Oceans using the National Vessel Monitoring System Form.
If you plan to use an alternative satellite provider, check with J. O. Thomas and Associates to ensure the provider's system is DFO VMS approved and meets the prawn vessel data transfer protocols. Note, J. O. Thomas and Associates will charge an one time registration fee plus an annual data processing fee.
MetOcean warrants products manufactured by MetOcean to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from the date of first activation, unless specified otherwise, subject to the following conditions:
MetOcean's obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at MetOcean's option) products that have been returned prepaid to MetOcean. MetOcean will return warranted equipment by surface carrier, prepaid. This warranty shall not apply to any MetOcean products that have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents of nature, or shipping. Batteries are not warranted. Under no circumstance will MetOcean reimburse the claimant for costs incurred in removing and/or reinstalling equipment. This warranty, and MetOcean's obligation there under, is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of suitability and fitness for a particular purpose. MetOcean is not liable for consequential damages.